Some of my Web projects

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Hey there 👋

Welcome to my Github Page. Below are some, but not all, of my small projects:

Published Projects

💲 Solana Token Generator(Devnet)

Generate your own Solana Token, Airdrop some Devnet SOL and more.

🧂 Salt-Bae Meme Generator

A PWA to make and download Salt-Bae Meme

💬 Chat App

A socket based Chatting web application, made in Flutter.

✅ To-Do List Web App

It is a To-Do Web Application I made while learning Flutter.

📚 Books Website

It is a static website I developed in 3rd year of my Graduation. It is made completely out of HTML, CSS and JS.


🕳 404 page

Turn the Auto Play ON, click anywhere on page, hover over 404 Page, enjoy 404.